Highly specialized, functional, and unique enchantments fully integrated with the vanilla environment
Custom enchants can be found and used the same way as vanilla enchantments, via the enchantment table, villager trading, anvils, grindstones, and natural spawning
Type /enchantinfo to get info about a specific custom enchant
Type /ce to view all the custom enchants in a menu
The Gameplay
What are types? Well, vanilla minecraft has 2 types: normal, and curse. However, custom enchants expands on this model to add more to the enchantment metagame.
Normal enchantments - Most enchantments are of this type, they improve and strengthen the item
Curse enchantments - Opposite of normal enchantments, they worsen and weaken the item
Special enchantments - These are the most powerful version of normal enchantments. They're very strong.
Rarity is mostly hidden from the player, and functions more as a way for you to choose how each enchantment can be obtained. A rarity consists of several values. The minimum xp level required to get the enchantment from an enchanting table - should they be level 1, level 15, level 30? Something else altogether? The percentage chance for the enchantment to be applied to an item every time it is enchanted above that minimum level, the percentage chance for a villager to spawn with a trade for that enchantment, and the percentage chance for an item in a loot chest to spawn with that enchantment.
Means of obtaining
By default, all enchantments are available from enchanting tables, villagers, and loot chests.
Levels are calculated based on their cost. If you get an enchantment from 1 xp level or 1 emerald, it will probably be a level 1 enchantment. Of course, it is possible to get above this at a low cost but it is rare. This is designed to be as similar to vanilla as possible.
Loot chests will generally contain higher level enchantments. This is also designed to be like vanilla, where enchantments in an end city will have a relatively high level.
Some enchantment types (special by default) are set up with a bias to make it extremely, extremely rare for them to generate or be obtained higher than at level 1 or 2.
Targets are the items that can be enchanted by any given enchantment. These are things like melee weapons, tools, armor pieces, elytra, fishing rods, etc.